KSSB empowers students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to assume responsible roles in society and to lead fulfilling lives. With an environment rich in comprehensive services, education specialists, an individualized curriculum, transition planning and statewide outreach, KSSB will lead through partnerships with parents, local schools, and community resources to ensure equal access to a high quality education for all Kansas Students who have a visual impairment.
KanLovKids is primarily funded by the Kansas State School for the Blind.
The KanLovKids Program provides the following:
- Low Vision Collaboration Clinics
- Low Vision Collaboration Clinics+
- Doctors specialized in Low Vision
- Children with Low Vision (Birth through 21)
- 10 regional cities across Kansas
Please contact your Regional Field Service Specialist or KLK Coordinator Anna Cyr or call 913-645-5324 for information on the Low Vision Collaboration Clinic programs.
View the map of clinic locations.
KanLovKids is supported by the Kansas Lions Sight Foundation.
Beverly Nichols, Grant Administrator (913) 642-7520
The Lions, through the Kansas Lions Sight Foundation, have supported a statewide low vision project for children for over ten years. At a SightFirst Advisory Committee meeting in August 2011, Kansas Lions were awarded a $71,000 grant—the first low vision grant awarded in the United States. This grant provides funds for additional low vision equipment for the offices of participating doctors, for training of a variety of stakeholders (doctors, educators, and parents) for publicity and communication — including the creation of a website, and for evaluation of the project.
A requirement of the grant was evidence that Kansas Lions would be involved in the project in ways beyond financial contribution. (The KLSF contribution is $10,000 a year.) A major role for Kansas Lions is for all Lions to be cheerleaders for this area of eye care as they are in all other areas. Lions can help spread the word to local eye care professionals and to educators about the availability of low vision evaluations.
If you’d like a program for your club about the KanLovKids project, e-mail Beverly Nichols. A project representative can come to your club, if distance is not prohibitive, or Beverly can provide a PowerPoint presentation that you can use.

KanLovKids is also supported by KC Blind All Stars. The KC Blind All-Stars Foundation (KCBAS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports the Kansas State School for the Blind.