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Nemeth Code Instructional Resource

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A fantastic new resource is available to teach the Nemeth Code.

A new Nemeth Code Curriculum contains lesson plans, games, and fun facts to teach and reinforce mathematic concepts while teaching the Nemeth Code. The curriculum includes teacher scripts, data collection, and pre and post-tests to monitor progress.

At this time, the completed grade levels include pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade with more on the way. Middle school and high school students can access mini-lessons, and a searchable Nemeth Code searchable database. The searchable database allows students to look up a math concept and get the applicable Nemeth Code. The Nemeth Code can be downloaded as Simbraille or as a Brf.

Tina Herzberg, Sara Larkin, and Susan Osterhaus are writing the valuable Nemeth Code resource. The instructional materials are provided available free of charge. To view the lessons – go to the Nemeth Code Curriculum location on the Pearson Website.

Thank you to Tina Herzberg, Sara Larkin, and Susan Ostehaus for working so diligently to provide a fun and engaging Nemeth Code Curriculum for students!!

Resources: See information at the following links:

Nemeth Code Curriculum

Nemeth Code Searchable Database


Menely Hogan

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