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KSSB is proud to offer online classes that not only address academic needs but provide an opportunity for students to learn from a Teacher of Students with a Visual Impairment (TSVI) who is certified in that content area. The currently available online classes are listed below. There is no tuition fee for participation in the online courses but fees for books or supplies may be required. Register early! Seats are limited. 

Online Courses

Computer Science (click to expand)

Kansas State School for the Blind is offering an Introduction to Python Computer Science Course tailored for students who have a visual impairment in partnership with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools). The TEALS Program has a ten-year proven track record of bringing CS Programs to High Schools by partnering technology industry professionals with classroom educators to team-teach CS.

KSSB is one of two School’s for the Blind offering this course in the nation.

KSSB and TEALS created this course with students who are blind/low vision in mind, working closely with a community of adults who have a visual impairment. The class will cover variables, outputs, methods loops, if/else statements and special topics. The class will be offered remotely. KSSB and TEALS teams are excited to bring this course opportunity to students across the country.
For Fall 2024-2025, KSSB will be offer the Intro Level Python course for students who have no experience in Python Computer Coding.  The Intro course level is a one year (2 semester) course.


* Entering grades 9-12 and are ready/prepared for Algebraic concepts
* Proficient to independently use a laptop, screen reader or screen magnification software, Zoom video conferencing platform, Canvas or comparable LMS
STARTING:  August 12, 2024

TIME:  7:45am – 8:30 am  M – Th (Central Time Zone) 

FORMAT:  Online
Class Materials Needed:
* Class is taught remotely through Zoom
* All materials are provided through Canvas,
* Access to Notepad++ and current version of Python (downloaded prior to class start date)
* Daily assignments will be presented in class

CONTACT:  Christian Puett or Dr. Deb Howser

Click here to register!

Braille Music 1 - Beginner Braille Music (click to expand)

This is a foundational course. Students use music symbols, rhythms, and other basic elements of music. Recognizing and recalling musical notation will be included, as well as an exploration of reading, writing, and playing basic music. In-person, teacher/para support is recommended. 

  • Schedule: Will be established after registration is completed 
  • Location: Zoom with email and phone support
  • Instructor: Jenny Eichner (contact for books and supplies)
  • Registration: Braille Music 1 by September 15th

Braille Music 2 - Intermediate Braille Music (click to expand)

The Intermediate Braille Music Course provides a continuation of learning in music braille. Students use music symbols, rhythms, and other elements of music. Recognizing and recalling musical notation will be included, as well as an exploration of reading, writing, and playing music. In-person, teacher/para support is recommended. 

  • Schedule: Will be established after registration is completed 
  • Location: Zoom with email and phone support
  • Instructor: Jenny Eichner (contact for books and supplies)
  • Registration: Braille Music 2 by September 15th

Braille Music 3 - Advanced Braille Music (click to expand)

The Advanced Braille Music Course provides increased experience in music braille. Advanced music symbols and rhythms will be introduced, as well as other essential elements of music. Recognizing and recalling music notation (in braille and print as needed) is included as well as an exploration of reading, writing, and playing music.

  • Schedule: Varies and established after registration is completed
  • Location: Zoom with email and phone support
  • Contact: Jenny Eichner (contact for books and supplies)
  • Registration: Braille Music 3 by September 15th

Intermediate Level Online UEB Braille Course (click to expand)

Intermediate Level Online UEB Braille Course  (limited to 8 participants)
Description: This engaging online UEB braille course will enhance your skills while reading and writing.  This course is taught fully online by certified teacher of students with a visual impairment (TSVI).

The Intermediate Online Braille course can serve as IEP minutes for braille instruction or as a supplement to already existing braille instruction.  The Texas Braille Skills Checklist & other instructional materials, such as the Braille Too The Next Generation Series will be mailed or sent electronically for the student to use during targeted reading instruction.  The targeted age of students in this program is 13-18 or grades 7-12.  This course will cater to students’ needs based on their current level of braille knowledge and skills.

Students should have a basic understanding of the uncontracted braille code & know how to track an embossed line tactually.  Participants should also know how to use a Perkins braille writer to produce written products of their work.  An adult needs to be in the room with the student to help locate needed materials or assist with technical aspects such as joining a zoom meeting or technology related issues.  Come join us via 30 minute Zoom sessions to increase your confidence while using contracted UEB braille.

Introduction to Podcasting (click to expand)

Intro to Podcasting  (limited to 10 participants)
Description: This online class will provide students with opportunities to learn the basics of Podcasting.  Students will learn about appropriate technology used, chat language, developing meaningful questions, and how to research current events. This is a required course if the student would like to participate in the live broadcasting.

  • Instructor: Lydia Moreno, Makerspace Coordinator
  • Age Group: KS middle and/or high school students
  • Start Date: August 23
  • When: Tuesdays,  3:30-4:30 via Zoom  (*date/time subject to change)
  • Registration: Intro to Podcasting

Live Podcasting (click to expand)

Live Podcasting  (limited to 6 participants)
Prerequisites: Intro to Podcasting and must be a high school student

Description: Students learn how to conduct live interviews of guests. Students are required to practice journalism-type skills. Conduct research and know the guest’s work. Know your audience in order to create a balance between quality questions  that align with your audience’s interest. Students must be prepared for each live interview and have the ability to think quickly in response to the guest’s answers. Students must be willing to work outside of class hours to prepare for podcasts.  An interview with the instructor is required before acceptance into the course.

  • Instructors: Lydia Moreno, MakerSpace Coordinator and Christian Puett, TSVI
  • Age Group: KS high school students who have completed the intro course
  • Start Date: August 22, 2023
  • When: Thursdays 3:45-4:45  via Zoom  (*date/time subject to change)
  • Registration: Live Podcasting

Paraprofessional and Family Braille Course (click to expand)

Paraprofessional & Family Braille Course
Description: This new online offering allows parents and family members or paraprofessionals to learn the Unified English Braille Code. This course will cover both uncontracted or contracted braille.  Lessons begin with the basics, uncontracted braille. Once finished with the uncontracted braille course, the participants can move onto contracted braille signs. Each participant can work at their own pace and decide how quickly they move through the lessons. The lessons are paired with videos and hands-on activities to implement braille into your environment/daily use.

Speech and Debate (click to expand)

SPEECH & DEBATE  (limited to 10 participants)
Description: Public speaking allows participants to become more comfortable when speaking in small or large groups.  Participants will enjoy learning how to be informative or persuasive, speak on their feet, use clear emotions, and explore many forms of materials such as song lyrics, poetry, humorous prose, serious prose, skits, or mini-debates. Speaking activities allow participants to work collaboratively with a variety of people as well as strengthen friendships.  Proficient reading, writing, & access technology skills preferred.

  • Instructor: Christian Puett, TSVI
  • Age Group: KS middle school and high school students
  • Start Date: August 29
  • When: Mondays and/or Wednesdays 3:45-4:30 via Zoom  (*date/time subject to change)
  • Registration: Speech and Debate

Intro Level Python Course (click to expand)

Intro Level Python Course

Description: For students with no experience or limited experience in Python Coding.

Kansas State School for the Blind is offering an Introduction to Python Computer Science Course tailored for students who have a visual impairment in partnership with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools). The TEALS Program has a ten-year proven track record of bringing CS Programs to High Schools by partnering technology industry professionals with classroom educators to team-teach CS.

KSSB is one of two schools for the blind offering this course in the nation.

KSSB and TEALS created this course with students who are blind/low vision in mind, working closely with a community of adults who have a visual impairment. The class will cover variables, outputs, methods loops, if/else statements and special topics. The class will be offered remotely. KSSB and TEALS teams are excited to bring this course opportunity to students across the country.

Starting 2023-2024 we will be offering the Python course divided into two levels. Intro Level will be for students who have no experience in Python Computer Coding.  Advanced Level will be for students who have completed KSSB’s Intro level Python class. Each level is a one year (2-semester) course. This new configuration will allow students to have a more in-depth experience with learning how to code in Python. To determine which level is best for your student, contact Aundrayah or Kim.

One year (2 semester) course.

Course covers:

  • data types
  • conditionals
  • functions
  • if/else statements
  • lists
  • items
  • while loops
  • for loops


  • For grades 9-12
  • Ready for algebraic concepts
  • Proficient to independently use:
    • laptop, screen reader or screen magnification software
    • Zoom video conferencing platform
    • Canvas or comparable LMS

Registration: Intro Level Python Course

Advanced Level Python Course (click to expand)

Advanced Level Python Course

Description: For students who have completed KSSB’s Intro Level Python Course.

Kansas State School for the Blind is offering an Introduction to Python Computer Science Course tailored for students who have a visual impairment in partnership with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools). The TEALS Program has a ten-year proven track record of bringing CS Programs to High Schools by partnering technology industry professionals with classroom educators to team-teach CS.

KSSB is one of two School’s for the Blind offering this course in the nation.

KSSB and TEALS created this course with students who are blind/low vision in mind, working closely with a community of adults who have a visual impairment. The class will cover variables, outputs, methods loops, if/else statements and special topics. The class will be offered remotely. KSSB and TEALS teams are excited to bring this course opportunity to students across the country.
Starting 2023-2024 we will be offering the Python course divided into two levels. Intro Level will be for students who have no experience in Python Computer Coding.  Advanced Level will be for students who have completed KSSB’s Intro level Python class. Each level is a one year (2 semester) course. This new configuration will allow students to have a more in-depth experience with learning how to code in Python. To determine which level is best for your student, contact Aundrayah or Kim.

One year (2 semester) course.

Course covers:

  • for loops/nested loops
  • scope/stack
  • trace
  • dictionaries
  • key value
  • class
  • instance
  • attributes


  • For grades 9-12
  • Ready for algebraic concepts
  • Proficient to independently use:
    • laptop, screen reader or screen magnification software
    • Zoom video conferencing platform
    • Canvas or comparable LMS


Use this registration form to enroll in the following courses:

  • Intro to Podcasting
  • Live Podcasting
  • Paraprofessional/Family Braille Course
  • Speech & Debate
  • Intermediate Level Online UEB Braille Course

Follow the links below to register for:

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